I created the concept that people could be 'socially contagious' for the movie launch of the Warner Brothers movie Contagion. This concept excited the client to the extent that they wanted to launch the idea for the international marketing as well as the U.K market. The movie was still finishing production so I was lucky enough to have the time to storyboard my ideas and send over my storyboard to the movie director Steven Soderbergh. He signed off the concept and the idea quickly started to move ahead as the 'go live' date needed to be before the international premiere of the movie. The concept worked as a Facebook app that scrapped all your data - your messages, photos and videos. It also took all your friend contacts and all connections to your friends and their friends and pulled this data into the app. Combining all this data the app generated a bespoke experience and a score of how Socially Contagious you were in percentage terms. After you shared your score, others participated making the app itself contagious. It proved to be a tremendous success worldwide with over 200 thousand people using the app

Below are my concepts for social engagement to encourage people to take the test.

My original concept storyboard idea.